London, Southwest

Area of Operation

Area of Operation

Area Of Operation

The Baraawe Human Rights Protection organization has a significant history of working in Baraawe, Afgooye, and Wanlawayn in the Lower Shabelle region of Somalia.
Here is an overview of their history and accomplishments in these areas:


The organization has a presence in Baraawe, a coastal town in the Lower Shabelle region. They have been actively involved in advocating for human rights, conducting research, and addressing human rights violations in the area. Their work includes raising awareness about human rights issues, providing support to survivors of abuses, and promoting accountability and justice.


Afgooye, located near the capital city of Mogadishu, has been a site of significant humanitarian challenges and human rights abuses due to its high population density and displacement. The Baraawe Human Rights Protection organization has been working in Afgooye to address these issues, providing humanitarian assistance, advocating for the rights of displaced persons, and supporting the rehabilitation and reintegration of affected communities.


Wanlawayn is another town in the Lower Shabelle region where the organization has been actively involved in promoting human rights. They have conducted awareness campaigns, provided legal assistance, and engaged in community dialogues to address human rights violations and foster a culture of respect for human rights in Wanlawayn. Through their work in Baraawe, Afgooye, and Wanlawayn, the organization has made significant contributions to the protection and promotion of human rights in the Lower Shabelle region. Their efforts have helped raise awareness, provide support to affected communities, and advocate for policy changes to ensure the rights and dignity of individuals in these areas are respected and protected.

Baraawe is a non-profit organization to supports people worldwide and keeps an eye on the future Support.

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London, Southwest

Copyright © 2024 Barawee Human Right Protection Developed By Rex Technologies

Copyright © 2024 Barawee Human Right Protection Developed By Rex Technologies