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Our Courses

Human Rights Protection

Baraawe Human Rights Protection is thrilled to announce that we are now offering FREE online courses on Human Rights! These courses will cover the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of this crucial document that upholds the rights and dignity of every individual. And guess what? Upon successful completion and passing of the course, you will be awarded a certificate! Don't miss this incredible opportunity to enhance your knowledge and contribute to a world where human rights are universally respected. Join us today and embark on this enlightening journey

Some key details about the courses:

1- Course Content: The courses will cover various aspects of human rights, including the fundamental principles outlined in the Universal Declaration. You will learn about the rights and freedoms that every individual is entitled to, such as the right to life, liberty, and security, freedom of expression, and equality before the law.

2- Format: The courses are conveniently available online, allowing you to learn at your own pace and from the comfort of your home. The content is presented in an engaging and interactive manner, making the learning experience enjoyable and informative.

3-  Certification: Upon successful completion of the course and passing the assessment, you will receive a certificate from Baraawe Human Rights Protection. This certificate will serve as recognition of your commitment to promoting and protecting human rights.

4- Benefits: By enrolling in these courses, you will not only gain knowledge about human rights but also contribute to creating a more inclusive and just society. Understanding human rights is essential for advocating for equality, justice, and dignity for all individuals.

5-  Access: The courses are open to anyone interested in learning about human rights, regardless of their background or location. All you need is access to the internet to participate in these educational opportunities.

We believe that education is a powerful tool for positive change, and we are thrilled to offer these courses to empower individuals like you to become advocates for human rights. Join us today and take the first step towards making a difference!

Course Contents:

- Definition and Concept of Human Rights
- Historical Background of Human Rights
- Evolution of Human Rights Law

United Nations and Human Rights

- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
- International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
- Other International Human Rights Treaties and Conventions

- Overview of the UDHR
- Importance and Significance of the UDHR
- Drafting and Adoption of the UDHR
- Key Principles and Concepts in the UDHR

- Article 1: Right to Equality
- Article 2: Freedom from Discrimination
- Article 3: Right to Life, Liberty, and Security
- Article 4: Freedom from Slavery
- Article 5: Freedom from Torture and Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
- Article 6: Right to Recognition as a Person before the Law
- Article 7: Equality before the Law
- Article 8: Right to Remedy by Competent Tribunal
- Article 9: Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest, Detention, or Exile
- Article 10: Right to Fair Trial
- Article 11: Presumption of Innocence
- Article 12: Right to Privacy
- Article 13: Freedom of Movement
- Article 14: Right to Seek Asylum
- Article 15: Right to Nationality
- Article 16: Right to Marriage and Family
- Article 17: Right to Property
- Article 18: Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion
- Article 19: Freedom of Opinion and Expression
- Article 20: Right to Peaceful Assembly and Association
- Article 21: Right to Participate in Government and Free Elections
- Article 22: Right to Social Security
- Article 23: Right to Work and Fair Wages
- Article 24: Right to Rest and Leisure
- Article 25: Right to Adequate Standard of Living
- Article 26: Right to Education
- Article 27: Right to Participate in Cultural Life
- Article 28: Right to a Social Order that Respects Human Rights
- Article 29: Duties and Limitations
- Article 30: Right to Non-Discrimination and Protection of Human Rights

- National Human Rights Institutions
- Role of Governments, Civil Society, and Individuals
- Challenges and Opportunities in Human Rights Implementation

  • Definition and Concept of Human Rights
  •  Historical Background of Human Rights
  • Evolution of Human Rights Law
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International Human Rights Framework

United Nations and Human Rights - Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) - Other International Human Rights Treaties and Conventions

Limited Access

Access to the reported data is restricted to authorized personnel who require it for the purpose of investigation and follow-up. Baraawe Human Rights Violation ensures that only trained and trustworthy individuals have access to the data..

Additional Points Of Human Rights



Drafted post-World War II, the UDHR arose amidst global atrocities, notably the Holocaust. These horrors spurred international cooperation to create a human rights safeguard. Influenced by Enlightenment values, and it champions liberty, equality, and human dignity, reflecting diverse philosophical and legal traditions.
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International Human Rights Law

Although not legally binding, the UDHR influenced international human rights law by inspiring treaties like the ICCPR and ICESCR. These agreements, along with regional instruments, guide states in safeguarding human rights. These provide a framework for states to uphold and protect human rights.

Human Rights Principles

The UDHR is grounded in principles of universality, indivisibility, interdependence, and non-discrimination. It asserts that human rights belong to all, are interconnected, and entail civil, political, economic, social, and cultural aspects. Discrimination is prohibited, ensuring equal rights and freedoms for everyone.

Challenges and

Despite strides in human rights, challenges endure globally, like discrimination, violence against marginalized groups, and freedom of expression curbs. Initiatives include UN bodies and regional courts to monitor and tackle rights abuses. NGOs and activists are pivotal in advocating for rights and ensuring governmental accountability. NGOs and defenders advocate rights, hold governments accountable.

Human Rights Education and Awareness

Human rights education is crucial for effective implementation, empowering individuals with rights knowledge and fostering respect. Schools, universities, and civil society organizations lead initiatives like workshops and campaigns to raise awareness. Through such efforts, a culture of human rights respect is cultivated, ensuring broader societal understanding and adherence to rights .
Here are some additional details about Baraawe Human Rights Protection Services (BHRPS)

Freedom of expression, a UDHR right, allows sharing ideas globally. Vital for democracy, it enables public discourse and government scrutiny. Despite this, restrictions may apply for public safety and individual rights.

The UDHR upholds the right to privacy, shielding individuals from unwarranted intrusion. In the digital era, privacy faces threats like surveillance and data collection. Instruments like the ICCPR and ECHR offer additional safeguards against such encroachments.

The UDHR acknowledges civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. Economic rights involve work, fair wages, and social security; social rights cover healthcare, education, and housing. Cultural rights protect diversity and participation in cultural life. Ensuring these rights promotes individual well-being, dignity, social justice, and equality


Human rights and sustainable development are increasingly intertwined, aiming to meet present needs without jeopardizing future generations. Essential rights like clean water, environment, and adequate living are central to sustainable development. The UN's SDGs integrate human rights principles, offering a roadmap to tackle poverty, inequality, and climate change.

Marginalized groups, including women, children, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, and refugees, bear the brunt of human rights violations. Prioritizing their rights and needs, efforts should ensure equal participation and access to justice. An intersectional approach acknowledges multiple layers of discrimination individuals face, advocating inclusivity in human rights agendas.

Gender equality, a cornerstone of justice, is upheld by the UDHR. Advocacy involves challenging discriminatory laws, empowering women, and combating gender-based violence. CEDAW, a pivotal international treaty, targets women's rights and gender parity, emphasizing the global commitment to eradicate discrimination and promote equality.

Children possess distinct rights acknowledged in the UDHR and the CRC. The CRC delineates their comprehensive rights, spanning survival, development, protection, and participation. It's incumbent upon governments, organizations, and individuals to honor, safeguard, and advance children's rights, encompassing their well-being, education, and safeguarding against exploitation and abuse.

Refugees and asylum seekers are safeguarded by international human rights law, notably the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol. These instruments ensure rights like asylum seeking, healthcare, education, and protection from refoulement. Amid the refugee crisis, it's crucial to preserve refugee rights and pursue lasting displacement solutions.


Businesses must uphold human rights and foster sustainable development. The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights offer guidelines to prevent abuses and promote respect. Corporate social responsibility, sustainable supply chains, and ethical practices are vital to ensure business operations uphold human rights without compromise.



Accountability for human rights violations necessitates robust mechanisms at national and international levels, including courts, tribunals, and truth commissions. These institutions ensure justice by holding perpetrators accountable and offering reparations to victims. Transitional justice initiatives, like truth and reconciliation commissions, aim to confront past abuses and foster healing and reconciliation.


Indigenous peoples' rights, acknowledged by UNDRIP, entail self-determination, land rights, cultural preservation, and community involvement in decision-making. Despite facing discrimination and land loss, efforts aim to safeguard their rights, encompassing legal measures, land restitution, and cultural heritage recognition, fostering indigenous well-being and autonomy.



Persons with disabilities deserve equal treatment, non-discrimination, and societal inclusion. The CRPD, a UN treaty, addresses their rights comprehensively, including education, employment, accessibility, and public participation. Advocacy efforts strive to dismantle barriers, combat stigma, and empower persons with disabilities for their full inclusion and participation in society.


LGBTQ+ rights are human rights, condemning discrimination and violence. Despite legal barriers in some nations, advocacy seeks decriminalization, anti-discrimination laws, gender recognition, and marriage equality. The Yogyakarta Principles offer a framework for safeguarding LGBTQ+ rights, ensuring their protection and promotion under international human rights law.


Freedom of expression is vital, permitting individuals to voice opinions and ideas without fear. It encompasses speech, press, art, and access to information, crucial for democratic openness and diverse voices. Yet, restrictions exist, like hate speech or incitement to violence, subject to legal boundaries, balancing rights with societal interests.


Technology's rapid evolution holds dual effects on human rights. It aids rights promotion via information access, communication, and monitoring. Yet, it's prone to misuse, leading to surveillance, censorship, and privacy breaches. Safeguarding rights amidst tech progress mandates strong legal frameworks, ethical standards, and public consciousness.

Baraawe is a non-profit organization to supports people worldwide and keeps an eye on the future Support.


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Copyright © 2024 Barawee Human Right Protection Developed By Rex Technologies

Copyright © 2024 Barawee Human Right Protection Developed By Rex Technologies