Humanitarian Report: Latest Update from Baraawe District, Lower Shabelle Region, Somalia

The Baraawe Human Rights Protection organization continues its unwavering commitment to promoting and defending human rights while providing emergency relief, reporting, and documentation efforts. This report highlights the urgent situation faced by internally displaced families and individuals residing in the various camps throughout Baraawe.

Current Situation
Among the most affected camps in Baraawe is Laabkoban. In August 2024, the Humanitarian Program Director successfully supported efforts in this camp by providing a drinking water tap, mattresses, and life-saving food supplies. These initiatives are critical in addressing the immediate needs of the displaced populations.

In a recent address, the Baraawe District Commissioner and Mayor, Mr. Omar Sheikh Abdi Shafana, emphasized the pressing humanitarian crisis that particularly impacts vulnerable groups, including minors fleeing the devastating consequences of drought and insecurity in surrounding areas.

Urgent Call for Support
We urgently call upon all local, national, and international humanitarian aid agencies to deliver immediate, life-saving support to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Baraawe district. The current situation is dire, with many IDP camps lacking basic necessities. Families are enduring harsh conditions without adequate shelter from the relentless sun, rain, and wind.

Challenges Faced by IDPs
The IDPs in Baraawe are struggling without essential resources, including food, medicine, water, and education. This vulnerable population includes the elderly, widows, orphans, and minor children, all of whom are suffering without adequate humanitarian assistance. The last food distribution occurred in August 2024, conducted by the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SODMA), which only reached 750 families.

Additionally, the IDPs are at heightened risk of critical issues such as sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), including rape and other forms of exploitation, exacerbating their vulnerability and trauma.

Your attention to this critical humanitarian crisis is essential as we work together to alleviate the suffering of those most in need. The need for immediate action and support from the humanitarian community cannot be overstated.

Contact Information
Zihaam A. Omar
Humanitarian Program Director
Baraawe Human Rights Protection

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Copyright © 2024 Barawee Human Right Protection Developed By Rex Technologies